INNOMEC: Innovative Management and Educational Practices in elderly Centres

The aim of the project  is the improvement of the key competencies of Elderly Centres’ staff through an "Agile Management" approach and peer-learning pathways among practitioners in order to provide better learning opportunities for individuals and communities. The work process here proposed is based on the valorisation of European best practices on the active ageing and the solidarity between generations to foster and to improve active ageing policies and the involvement of elderly people in the community life.

1° phase of the project is centred on the context analysis about the local/national conditions of the ECCs’ clients and their needs, available services, on-going policies on active ageing. A focus point will be the educational practices/pathways and methodologies offered by ECs, considering how these will impact on the local constraints regarding features like numbers of elderly people participating in social and cultural life and the interaction between these latter with the youngest generation and family members.

2° phase is aimed at the realisation of peer-learning sessions on the best experiences at European level on elderly care services, with social workers/adult educators/senior volunteers, and taking into consideration 3 specific approaches:APP method, Transcultural Biography Work and Memoro digital interviews; 

3° a testing phase at national level will follow after the co-developing of specific training materials – new pathways and tools exploiting the above mentioned approaches and the learned case-studies - for the correct implementation of the process.

4° phase is focused on the dissemination of project results, at European and local level, through the promotion of a ToolKit for ECCs’ workers to improve the quality and the choices of the activities provided by EECs, encouraging a  dialogue with other local main stakeholders.


Vidéo sélectionnée pour être publiée sur la plateforme de communication de la Commission européenne:

L’artiste peintre Francine Somers interviewée par Paola Mauro nous livre un témoignage passionnant entre parcours de vie et cheminement artistique. La clé qui ouvre les portes de son immense curiosité de « savoir » et sur sa –vieillesse active- est condensée dans cette phrase qui n’a pas d’âge: «JE SUIS UNE ETERNELLE APPRENTIE».